Informing You about Endangered Species
Endangered Species Mural
I was so pleased to have an opportunity to create the Endangered Species Mural as a piece of public art. It is installed on the wall of the Frieze and Roy General store in Maitland. The store’s current owner is deeply concerned with biodiversity and the environment and wanted to share this concern with the community. The mural is large (4 ft by 8 ft) and took over a month to complete, from initial research through preparatory drawings to painting and then coating with spar varnish.
Let’s take a closer look…

Mainland Moose
The native population of moose in Nova Scotia
is limited to approximately 1000. The decline has resulted from over harvesting, illegal hunting, climate change, parasitic brainworm and the spread of white-tailed deer.

American Marten
American martens live in mature forests, but these are being lost due to commercial logging, development, fire and insect damage. They are often accidentally trapped, especially when forced to move to other habitats.

Canada Lynx
There is a very small population of Canada Lynx left in Nova Scotia. Harvesting, habitat loss and climate change are always a factor, also competition from bobcats and coyotes.

Red Knot
Red knots stop over in Nova Scotia to feed
during their migration in late September. The 70% decline in their population in recent decades is thought to result from the depletion of horseshoe crabs – their eggs are a critical food source during their journey.

Harlequin Duck
Fewer than 250 Harlequin Ducks winter along the coasts of Nova Scotia

Transverse Lady Beetle
Transverse lady beetles were the most common
lady beetles in Nova Scotia. It is possible that
there are none here now, driven out by the nonnative seven-spotted lady beetle

Monarch Butterflies
Monarch butterflies have declined by 90% since at the 1990s. There are many
threats on their long migration to and
from Mexico- disruption of forests in
Mexico and habitat loss in the States
and Canada. They are very dependent
on milkweed, now often eradicated in
the service of agri-farming

Barn Swallows
Barn swallows used to be really abundant but have declined across Nova Scotia
since the 1980s.

Canada Warblers
There have been massive declines in the population of Canada warblers- about 80% in the last thirty years. Nobody knows why.

Bank Swallows
Bank swallows feed almost exclusively on insects. There are fewer insects in
Nova Scotia over the last 30 years.

Rusty Blackbirds
Rusty Blackbirds live in wetlands, bogs, swamps,
fens and lakeshores. They are endangered because of habitat changes and blackbird control programs in the US.

Roseate Tern
There are only about 100 pairs of roseate terns
in Nova Scotia now. Predation on eggs and young, human disturbance and coastal developments are responsible.

Chimney Swift
Chimney swifts eat aerial insects, and their
population has declined by 30% as the
insect population declines. They nest in chimneys and hollow trees, but there are fewer of those.

Little Brown Bat
Little brown and long-eared bats are endangered in Nova Scotia due to the spread of White Nose syndrome.