Biodiversity Collection
“Biodiversity is the variety and variability of life on earth.” (Wikipedia)
We have lost 68% of species worldwide since 1970. We can’t address this global tragedy if we do not name and know the species that surround us. Tim Dee’s words, quoted In Landmarks define this so well.
“Without a name made in our mouths, an animal or a place struggles to find purchase in our minds or in our hearts.”
My biodiversity project represents my own naming and knowing of species. I have been working on it for several years and now there are over a hundred species represented, plants, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and mammals.
I have been working on my Biodiversity Project for several years now.
Now that we live full time in Nova Scotia, it has taken on a new life. I have nearly 200 drawings of plants, insects, birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles and fish. I have been able to set up a room in our house as a Biodiversity Gallery. It gives me great pleasure to see all the pieces in one place but I am still not sure what I intend to do with the gallery.
If anyone would like to see the whole collection I can send you a link to a private room in Artwork Archive where they are all displayed. I sometimes make prints of various species, mostly to use as fundraisers for various worthy causes.