Connecting to Nature Through Art
Finding Inspiration in Natural Places

This mural, installed on the Frieze and Roy General Store, shows species that are endangered in Nova Scotia
Endangered Species in Nova Scotia Gwen Frankton, 2024

The practice of nature journaling helps us to connect with the natural world. As we observe we
NOTICE, we WONDER and we ask WHAT DOES THIS REMIND ME OF. Observations can be made using drawing, writing, diagrams and numbers.

Take Action
Our care for the natural world
leads us to take action to address
issues such as species and habitat
Exploring our world through eco-art.
What is an eco-artist?
An eco-artist explores ecological issues, climate change, and natural phenomena. We might use natural materials (like inks created from berry juice). We often create our work outdoors, sometimes it stays outdoors and nature becomes our gallery. In out artistic practices we use all sorts of approaches to highlight phenomena in the natural world.
It is my purpose, as an eco-artist, to form a deep connection with the natural world, and to share that connection with the natural world with others. As I believe that the recovery of ecosystems, habitats, and species is addressable through local action. I use my art and energy to support that action.